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Host A 95th Anniversary Pink Tea!

Host one of 95 Pink Teas Across Canada!


How 5 Women Changed Canada Forever Over a Cup of Tea a video for your pink tea!

THEN: When the Famous 5 were campaigning for women to have the right to vote and run for elected office, their suffrage meetings were disrupted by their opponents. Women traditionally held teas for the birth of children, when someone left the community or other reasons. Men didn’t attend these teas so suffragists started calling their political meetings Pink Teas and very few opponents attended.

NOW: Harness the spirit of the Famous 5 to inspire conversations around the equality issues that still challenge us today and build a more equitable Canada! What the Famous 5 began, we continue: pay equity, racial inequality, 2SLGBTQIA+ rights, missing and murdered Indigenous girls and women, mental health and addiction, and more. Whatever your gender, race, sexuality, age or background, we are all persons. Host a Pink Tea to mark the 95th anniversary of the historic ‘Persons’ Case or any occasion that inspires conversations about equality!